Are Jada and Will Smith airing their dirty laundry so COS has less leverage?

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When we cover stories with adult content we have to turn off the ads so I’m not going to cover Jada Pinkett Smith’s latest revelations on her Red Table Talk Facebook show in detail. (For those of you who wonder why we don’t just go with another ad company, we value usability over cash. That’s why you don’t see video ads on our site, we hate them too. I’m not ruling it out though!) Jada’s latest overshare feels like a rehash anyway. Jada and Will have been surprisingly candid lately about their sex lives, seemingly admitting that they have an open relationship and/or that they’ve had partners outside of their marriage of over twenty years. My original theory about why they were sharing this was that Jada is searching for some kind of relevance and attention in the age of the social media celebrity, which she’s doing with a shock and awe approach. However there could be another reason, which isn’t mutually exclusive.

Some of you have mentioned that it’s possible that Jada and Will are trying to get ahead of the “Church” of Scientology by removing all leverage the cult may have over them. Like many cults, Scientology has “auditing” sessions in which parishioners confess their transgressions, allowing COS to gather damning secrets about members. While Will and Jada have never come out publicly as Scientologists, they used to follow the child-rearing philosophies of the cult, they started a now-closed private school using Scientology teaching methods and employing known Scientologists, and they’ve spoken positively about Scientology. Plus Leah Remini has said that Jada is a Scientologist.

So while it may seem typical and familiar that Jada is admitting to a sex addiction, it may serve a dual purpose. We’re talking about her, and she’s getting ahead of COS, which has been neutered by the press over the past decade or so anyway.

As an aside, Jada said in this latest episode that she used to drink two bottles of wine by herself at some undisclosed point in her past, but that she went cold turkey and was fine. I knew I had a problem at one bottle of wine but I was doing that every few days. It really depends on the circumstances whether or not you’re an alcoholic. She also said she has an addictive personality. Jada is clearly addicted to telling us all about her life. I’ve had therapists I’ve kept more secrets from than Jada keeps from the public.

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