Buddy Cook's parents cleared over his 2013 death in Texas

Two parents who were wrongfully accused in the death of their adopted son claim their biological children were physically abused in the care of their foster families while they were protesting their innocence.

Angel Cook, 37, and her husband David, 48, were charged in May 2013 with felony injury to a child after their four-year-old son, Buddy, was discovered dead in his bedroom at their Texas home.

At the time, they were accused of neglecting and starving the youngster. However, the charges against the couple were dismissed last December after new witnesses and evidence emerged.

Following the ruling, the Cooks' seven surviving children - who had been taken by Child Protective Services - were placed in the care of a family friend, before finally being returned to their parents.

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Angry: Angel Cook, 37, and her husband David (both pictured with their seven children) say their biological children were abused in care while they were trying to prove their innocence over their son Buddy's death

Angry: Angel Cook, 37, and her husband David (both pictured with their seven children) say their biological children were abused in care while they were trying to prove their innocence over their son Buddy's death

Tragic: The Cooks were charged in May 2013 with felony injury to a child after four-year-old Buddy (above) was discovered dead in his bedroom at their Texas home. At the time, they were accused of starving the boy

Tragic: The Cooks were charged in May 2013 with felony injury to a child after four-year-old Buddy (above) was discovered dead in his bedroom at their Texas home. At the time, they were accused of starving the boy

However, the Cooks' joy quickly turned to horror when they learned that some of their children had allegedly been neglected and abused in care while they were fighting their charges in court.

The couple, who have six of their own kids and are adoptive parents to Buddy's biological sister, say their sons were abused by other children during their time in care, leaving one covered in bruises.

They also allege their biological daughter was left ill and wheezing, with a staph infection covering her face, after being placed in a foster home with smokers - despite suffering from a lung disease.

And they say their youngest child was left vomiting blood after swallowing screws at his new home.


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Mrs Cook - whose family is still under CPS supervision until October - and two of her sons testified about the 'abuse' before the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission this summer, ABC 13 reported.

'I reported to my foster parents and my social worker,' son Bryan Cook testified. 'The social worker told me it was not a big deal, not to worry about it. When I told my foster parents again, the foster dad took me and my brother into a room and showed his guns and said we needed to keep quiet.'

He added that he and his brothers were locked in a room and not allowed to go to the bathroom. 

'My little brother had to pee in his pants at night,' he told the Commission. 

'Fighting for justice': The charges against Mrs Cook (pictured with her five surviving sons) and her husband were dismissed last December after new fact witnesses and medical evidence in the case emerged

'Fighting for justice': The charges against Mrs Cook (pictured with her five surviving sons) and her husband were dismissed last December after new fact witnesses and medical evidence in the case emerged

Following the ruling, the Cooks' seven surviving children were taken out of care and given to a family friend, before finally being returned to their parents. Above, Buddy Buddy is pictured with his older sister

Following the ruling, the Cooks' seven surviving children were taken out of care and given to a family friend, before finally being returned to their parents. Above, Buddy (left) in a family photo and with his sister (right)

However, the allegations were reportedly investigated by officials and no wrongdoing was found. 

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services uncovered 'no issues' with the care.

Meanwhile, CPS spokesman Marissa Gonzales told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: 'There are no open investigations and CPS is not currently involved with the family in any way.' 

And official records, obtained by ABC 13, show that the foster parents whom the Cooks' daughter, Paige, was placed with told state workers that they did smoke - but not in the presence of children. 

The Cooks, however, are still fighting 'for justice' for their children. Mrs Cook's profile picture on Facebook features the slogan: 'Hell hath no fury like a mother's quest for her child's justice.'

Speaking to the Star-Telegram, the 37-year-old mother said: 'We want to make sure that the CPS workers are held accountable when they knowingly leave children in abusive foster homes.

'And to see that this never, ever happens to another Texas family.' 

Home: The Cooks' joy quickly turned to horror when they learned that some of their children had allegedly been neglected and abused by their foster families. Above, the Cooks' home, where Buddy was found dead

Home: The Cooks' joy quickly turned to horror when they learned that some of their children had allegedly been neglected and abused by their foster families. Above, the Cooks' home, where Buddy was found dead

Grave: The couple, who have six of their own kids and are adoptive parents to Buddy's biological sister, say their sons were abused by other children during their time in care. Above, six of their kids at Buddy's grave

Grave: The couple, who have six of their own kids and are adoptive parents to Buddy's biological sister, say their sons were abused by other children during their time in care. Above, six of their kids at Buddy's grave

When the Cooks adopted their late son Buddy, he had already suffered horrific abuse. He was covered in cuts and would sometimes refuse to eat - leading his new parents to give him Ensure.

At the age of two, he even had a sexually transmitted disease from previous abuse.

He had been left so traumatized that he would place butter knives under his pillow before bed. As he grew, Buddy's mental health improved, but he remained very thin, despite apparently eating well. 

In March 2013, Mrs Cook discovered her son lying unconscious in his bedroom in Cleburne, not breathing. She called 911, but Buddy died in her arms before Cleburne Police Department arrived.

When I told my foster parents [about the abuse] the foster dad took me and my brother into a room and showed his guns and said we needed to keep quiet Bryan Cook 

The Cooks were immediately seen in a suspicious light by CPS workers, who accused the couple of endangering the physical or emotional well-being of Buddy.

They reportedly took away their surviving seven children, including their 14-month-old son, on the same day as Buddy's funeral. 

In one affidavit, a CPS case worker wrote: '[Buddy] appeared to be only skin and bones. Buddy's stomach was caved in and his ribs could be seen popping out from under his skin.'

CPS officials suggested Buddy had died from dehydration and malnutrition, and his parents had not sought help, leading to his death.

However, an autopsy showed that the youngster's bladder was full at the time of his death and his stomach had food in it. It also found that although he was underweight, he was not 'skin and bones'. 

Meanwhile, police were 'not particularly suspicious' about the child's death, ABC 13 reported.

Dr Lloyd White, who performed Buddy's autopsy, told the site that he believed at the time - and still believes - Buddy died from natural cases relating to his body's inability to properly metabolize food. 

Claims: They also allege their eldest daughter was left ill and wheezing, with a staph infection covering her face, after being placed in a foster home with smokers - despite suffering from a lung disease. And they say their youngest child (center with his mom and two sisters) was left vomiting blood after swallowing screws

Claims: They also allege their eldest daughter was left ill and wheezing, with a staph infection covering her face, after being placed in a foster home with smokers - despite suffering from a lung disease. And they say their youngest child (center with his mom and two sisters) was left vomiting blood after swallowing screws

In memory: In March 2013, Mrs Cook discovered Buddy lying unconscious in his bedroom, not breathing. She called 911, but trafically, Buddy died in her arms before Cleburne Police Department arrived at the home

In memory: In March 2013, Mrs Cook discovered Buddy lying unconscious in his bedroom, not breathing. She called 911, but trafically, Buddy died in her arms before Cleburne Police Department arrived at the home

This would have been due to a pre-existing medical condition, he said. 

Despite his view, the chief medical examiner ruled that Buddy's death was a homicide and the Cooks were arrested and charged with injury a child, for which they could have been jailed for life. 

In subsequent days, the couple were targeted by members of the public.

They had 'Child Killers' written in red across their garage and gasoline poured around their house.

'Everything was taken from us,' said Mrs Cook, who had no history with CPS and had apparently intended to take Buddy to the doctor's on the day of his death after he had vomited the night before.

 Everything was taken from us. We lost our son. We had to bury him. I lost my volunteer work. I lost my kids.. a lot of friends Angel Cook

'We lost our son. We had to bury him. I lost my volunteer work. I lost my kids.. a lot of friends.'

However, following emotional legal proceedings - which the Cooks claim cost them a staggering $200,000 - the couple's charges were dropped last December when new fact witnesses and medical evidence emerged in the case.

The family claim that some of this evidence was hidden by CPS, it is reported. In April, the seven Cook children were returned to their parents. 

But Patrick Barkman, an attorney for the Cooks, says the family has been left severely damaged by the allegations surrounding Buddy's death.

'CPS has their view of the case, and their view of the case from the start was that the Cooks had deliberately injured this little boy and deliberately starved him to death,' Barkman said.

He added: 'There are still black marks against [the Cooks]. They’ve received death threats. People are still shooting off their mouths online. And we may never know what really killed Buddy.'

