"Go find someone else's fame that you can leech off of"

While it's not surprising to see Becky Lynch in the trending section of wrestling Twitter, her name recently popped up following a few massive claims made by her ex-boyfriend, Jeff Dye. The 39-year-old comedian opened up about the fractured relationship between Lynch and Charlotte, and his comments have attracted a lot of attention online.

The real-life feud between Flair and Lynch is no secret to the public, as they've not been on good terms ever since being involved in one of the most awkward segments ever during a SmackDown episode in October 2021.

Charlotte and Becky are still seemingly not friends outside the ring, and Jeff Dye explained the reason behind the heat between the former women's champions while he appeared on the Wrestling with Freddie podcast.

Jeff Dye's comments, however, weren't well-received by wrestling fans, as many called him out for unnecessarily talking about his famous ex.

Some weren't even aware that Becky Lynch briefly dated Dye, and as you can view in the tweets below, the American actor and host got absolutely roasted by the Twitterati:

A few ardent followers of Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch also shared their opinions on the genuine rivalry between two of the most influential female stars of this era.

The Queen had her fair share of supporters, as you can view below:

What's in store for Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair on the Road to WrestleMania 39?

While Charlotte Flair hasn't been seen on WWE TV since WrestleMania Backlash, Becky Lynch returned from her injury hiatus last month to compete at Survivor Series.

Big Time Becks is currently embroiled in a feud with Bayley and her Damage CTRL faction. Speculation suggests that she could be in line for a long-awaited singles showdown against Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania 39.

Flair is also expected to feature in a high-profile match at The Show of Shows as rumors point towards a dream clash against Bianca Belair. Charlotte has been spotted training for her comeback, and an appearance at the Royal Rumble is a huge possibility, which would ideally get the ball rolling for her WrestleMania program.

Do you like the rumored WrestleMania matches for Flair and Lynch? Sound off in the comments section below.

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