How big of a hole do I need for a 66 post?


The depth of the hole should be about one-fourth the height of the post you are using. To accommodate a 6×6 post, the diameter of the holes should be about 12 inches square in size. It is recommended that the width of your post hole never be less than 10 inches. You want holes that are deep and broad enough to accommodate a conventional 4×4 post with ease.

Furthermore, what size should the fence post holes be?

Dig the post hole such that the diameter of the hole is three times the width of the post (for example, a 4″ wood post should have a hole that is around 12 inches wide). The depth of the hole should be around one-third to one-half the height of the post above ground (i.e., a 6-foot tall fence would require a hole depth of at least 2 feet).

It is also possible to inquire as to what size hole is required for a 4×4 post.

Use a motorised auger, a manual auger, or a post-hole digger to dig an 8-inch-diameter hole that is at least 6 inches deeper below your area’s frost line for each 4×4 post. A 6×6 post necessitates the use of a 10 “-hole with a diameter of a 6 inch shovel “Pour a layer of gravel into the hole to help it drain better.

I’m wondering how much concrete I’ll need for a post hole in this area.

In relation to:

 When installing a post, the typical rule of thumb is that the depth of the post’s hole should be 1/3 to 1/2 the actual above-ground height of the post.

With the size of the hole you’ll need decided, use the table below to figure out how many 50-pound bags of concrete you’ll need to fill the hole.

In order to build a 6×6 post, how many bags of concrete do I need?

It’s important to remember that the depth of the post hole should be one-half the height of the above-ground post. (For example, if you need a post that is 6 feet above ground, use a post with an overall height of 9 feet and set it 3 feet into the ground.) The calculator will tell you how many 50-pound bags of QUIKRETE® Fast-Setting Concrete you’ll need to complete your project.

There were 38 related questions and answers found.

2 feet deep is sufficient for fence posts, do you think?

It is recommended that you drill your fence post holes for panel pieces to a depth of at least 2 feet deep. A typical rule of thumb is to dig holes that are one-third to one-half the height of the post above ground. The deeper you dig the holes, the more stable your fence will be; however, you will need to buy longer posts to do this.

Approximately how deep should fence posts be embedded in concrete?


Is it necessary to install fence posts in concrete?

Constructing Fence Posts out of Concrete Concrete is the most stable material for installing fence posts, particularly if you have sandy soil on which to build the fence. Gravel may work well in tight, clay-rich soil, but in looser soil, concrete is the only item that can properly hold your fence posts in place and prevent them from moving about.

When digging a 12 foot post, how deep should it go into the ground?

As a rule of thumb, holes for posts that reach 8 feet or more above ground level should be at least 3 feet deep in general. Hole depths of at least 2 1/2 feet should be drilled in posts that reach 6 feet above the ground level.

What is the best way to install a 4×4 fence post?

Method No. 1 Putting the Post in the Ground (Soil or Gravel) If you have a soil that is thick, you should use this strategy. Select a fence post that will last a long time. Preparing the wood for use in a humid environment (optional). Make a hole in the ground. Fill up the hole with gravel by dumping it in. Place the post in the appropriate location in the hole. Fill the hole with crushed stone or soil that has been tamped down. Finish with a little mound of dirt.

What is the recommended depth for burying gate posts?

Dig a hole at least 2ft 6 (760mm) deep and as deep as possible (3ft (915mm) to bring the base of the post below the level where frost may penetrate; once below this level, the earth is less likely to shift as much!

In order to construct a fence post, how many bags of concrete will I require?

Another thing to consider is that 1-1/2 bags per hole is approximately perfect for a 4×4 fence post. Also, keep in mind that the depth of the post hole should be one-half the height of the above-ground posts. Example: To create an above-ground post that is 6 feet tall, use a 9-foot-tall post with a 3-foot-deep foundation.

Is it necessary to place gravel beneath a fence post?

Water is able to drain around the fence posts because of the gravel, making the posts less prone to frost heaves and other problems. Dig the holes in the same manner as you would if you were putting up concrete posts. When burying fence posts in gravel, it is recommended that at least one-third of the fence post be buried. Set the posts in crushed gravel to prevent them from shifting.

In order to build a 4×4 post, how many bags of concrete do I need?

Another thing to consider is that 1-1/2 bags per hole is approximately perfect for a 4×4 fence post. Also, keep in mind that the depth of the post hole should be one-half the height of the above-ground posts. Example: To create an above-ground post that is 6 feet tall, use a 9-foot-tall post with a 3-foot-deep foundation.

How do you put in a 4×4 post on concrete that is level?

To install lead shields, drill holes in the concrete using a masonry bit attached to a hammer drill that are the proper diameter. Lead shields should be inserted into the holes in the concrete. Lag bolts or screws are used to secure the metal post bracket to the concrete foundation. Insert the wood post into the post bracket and secure it in place using screws or nails.

Is it necessary to use concrete to construct fence posts?

Concrete is the most stable material for installing fence posts, particularly if you have sandy soil on which to build the fence. Gravel may work well in tight, clay-rich soil, but in looser soil, concrete is the only item that can properly hold your fence posts in place and prevent them from moving about.
