How to complete In the Shadow of the Estate quest

Hogwarts Legacy was launched globally on February 10, 2023, and has quickly become one of the most popular games on several platforms. It brings the Wizarding World to life, offers immersive content, and has an exciting storyline to keep players occupied.

The 43 main quests in the game are broken down into 13 chapters. In the Shadow of the Estate is the 25th primary mission and can be played in the chapter Prepare For Your Search For the Final Keeper.

About the quest in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB game and YouTube/FP Good Game)

To start this quest, the player character needs to be at least level 15. In this main quest, you will have to interact with Sabastian Sallow's family and learn about the heartbreaking truth of their lives — a reality that Sebastian is desperately trying to alter. Players can use this article as a guide to complete In the Shadow of the Estate effectively.

Step-by-step guide to completing In the Shadow of the Estate quest in Hogwarts Legacy

1) Meet Sebastian in Feldcroft

Location of the quest in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB game and YouTube/FP Good Game)

To begin the quest, you need to meet first Sebastian. He will be in the wooden tower north of the Feldcroft Floo Flame fast travel point in Hogwarts Legacy. After your interaction with him, he will ask you to accompany him to his nearby home to meet his sister Anne and Uncle Solomon Sallow.

Sebastian and his uncle will argue in the cutscene, and both of them will leave the house while Anne suffers a bout of pain because of her curse.

2) Speak to Anne and Solomon separately

While Sebastian requires some alone time, you must talk to Anne first, who is inside the house, as well as Solomon, who is standing outside the residence.

3) Talk to Sebastian

After that, speak with Sebastian outside the house, and he will ask you to accompany him to the location where Anne was cursed. While following him, a massive Goblin army will try to ambush you, whom you must vanquish to advance in this quest. A Loyalist General will appear midway through the fight.

4) Search the estate for clues

You must check on Sebastian and interact with him after defeating the Goblin force to ensure he is unharmed. You both concur that these foes were hiding something and agree to search the nearby region as well as Rookwood Castle.

5) Examining the surroundings

Use the Revelio spell to examine various objects around the area, working your way up to the destroyed home and examining a picture inside. After speaking with Sebastian, use the Depulso spell to strike a pile of rubble on the left wall and go through it while crouching. Inside the room, you'll discover a hidden cellar.

Hidden cellar inside the chamber (Image via WB game and YouTube/FP Good Game)

Head down the steps. Then, use Depulso to shatter the bookshelf to the right, and you'll be able to enter a chamber where you'll find a mirror.

The mirror that leads to the Undercroft in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB game and YouTube/FP Good Game)

Because the Goblins couldn't see the Undercroft in the mirror, it evaded them. Speak with Sebastian again after you've established that you can see the Undercroft.

6) Enter the Undercroft

Secret Compartment inside the Undercroft in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB game and YouTube/FP Good Game)

Once inside the Undercroft, a secret compartment on the front wall will show itself. Examine the Rune diagram page within and present it to Sebastian. With that, you have successfully completed the 25th Hogwarts Legacy main quest.

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