Leo DiCaprios makeover for The Wolf of Wall Street: handsome or not cute?

These are some newish photos of Leonardo DiCaprio filming in New York City over the weekend. Leo has joined with his favorite director once again, Martin Scorsese, for The Wolf of Wall Street. The film is about…well, apparently it’s based on the true story of Jordan Belfort (who is played by Leo) and his rise and fall on greedy, seedy Wall Street. Allegedly, the story has a lot of “sex atop piles of money” and “cocaine”.

I guess this is a period film too, judging by the dated, oversized suit Leo is wearing. Is he supposed to look like a kid wearing his dad’s suit? Because that’s what he looks like. I can’t even decide if Leo is wearing a wiglet, either. I don’t think that’s Leo’s natural hairline, but if it is a wiglet, they got a good one. I mean, John Travolta should really look into getting himself something like this. I also don’t know if Leo is wearing prosthetics on his face, or if his jawline is really that… mushy. While his face doesn’t really look bloated and carby to me, his neck and jaw definitely look weird.

So, would you hit it? I don’t think I would. But I haven’t wanted to “hit it” with Leo in years and years. I had a brief moment of wanting him again in The Departed, but for the most part I haven’t wanted him since Romeo + Juliet.

Would you like to know who else is in the movie? Because I was surprised to see this list: Matthew McConaughey (he plays Leo’s boss), Jonah Hill, Jean Dujardin, Kyle Chandler, Jon Favreau, and voice work by Gene Hackman. Can you believe that list?! I’m incredibly proud of Jonah Hill – I can’t believe that boy managed to get himself onto a Scorsese movie! With LEO! Good for Jonah.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
