Meryl Davis and Maksim Chmerkovskiy Dating: Dancing With The Stars Romance Report

Meryl Davis and Maksim Chmerkovskiy Dating: Dancing With The Stars Romance - Report

Romances between partners are a common thing on the set of Dancing with the Stars, and this year’s no different. Meryl Davis and Maksim Chmerkovskiy are rumored to be dating, and one only has to look at their sparkling chemistry during their dances or interviews to see it.

Maksim recently broke up with Kate Upton, so he’s obviously a free agent. There is also video evidence of Maksim hitting on Meryl, and jokingly telling her that he’d love to marry her. He asks her whether she’s dating Charlie White, and when she says she’s not, he replies, ‘Good.’

Plus, his steamy and sexy foxtrot routine with Meryl a few weeks ago had the entire audience holding their breath, wondering whether the duo would end up kissing on stage. Alas, they didn’t, but they were definitely suspended in that almost kiss at the end of the routine for several beats too long. That kind of chemistry is organic, and can’t be faked or created. I mean, they were so good that they made the judges cry! And Maksim hasn’t held back on his admiration for Meryl, both on-stage and off-stage.

There was also an interview that Glamour conducted with Maksim after his latest dance with Meryl, and he’s almost effusive in his praise for her. He explains, “Meryl brings out the best in me, and I’m glad people see that. She’s my perfect partner. Perfect woman? That’s not for public knowledge, but she’s definitely an amazing person.”

Yeah, he’s totally got the hots for her. Does she return his feelings? Again, it’s really, really difficult to fake that chemistry on the dance floor if it’s not there. It’s clear that Meryl and Maksin are attracted to each other, and I have a feeling they’ve already hooked up and are just leading everyone on. They might try to keep their dating out of the public eye for now, but no doubt we’ll hear the truth before the season’s over.

Do you guys agree? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
