Start time for every major region and more

Split 2 of the 2023 League of Legends Ranked Season is on the horizon, as Riot Games officially announced the global starting time. The first split of the LoL-ranked season will conclude on July 17. This will be followed by the second split, and your rank will be reset. Furthermore, it will bring about several significant changes to the game.

This article includes a detailed list of each central region's start time for Split 2 of the 2023 League of Legends Ranked Season.

Split 2 of the League of Legends Ranked Season in 2023: Starting time, rank changes, and more

Split 2 of the Ranked Season 2023 in League of Legends will start on July 19, 2023. The following table shows the starting times for each major region:

RegionTime ZoneLocal TimeUS Time (PST)
OC1AEDTJuly 19, 12:00July 18, 17:00
JP1JSTJuly 19, 12:00July 18, 19:00
KR1KSTJuly 19, 12:00July 18, 19:00
RUMSKJuly 19, 12:00July 19, 1:00
EUN1CETJuly 19, 12:00July 19, 3:00
TR1GMT+3July 19, 12:00July 19, 1:00
EUW1GMTJuly 19, 12:00July 19, 4:00
BR1GMT-3July 19, 12:00July 19, 7:00
LA2GMT-3July 19, 12:00July 19, 7:00
LA1CSTJuly 19, 12:00July 19, 10:00
NA1PSTJuly 19, 12:00July 19, 12:00
PHPHTJuly 20, 12:00July 19, 20:00
VNGMT+7July 20, 12:00July 19, 21:00
SGGMT+8July 20, 12:00July 19, 20:00
THGMT+7July 20, 12:00July 19, 21:00
TWGMT+8July 20, 12:00July 19, 20:00
CNGMT+8July 21, 17:00July 21, 1:00

Consequently, Split 2 of the Ranked Season will begin on July 19, 2023, for most regions. However, it will start on a different day in a few countries, including South Korea, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan.

The League of Legends ranked matchmaking system is undergoing many changes this year. Unlike previous seasons, the ranked season in 2023 was split into two main sections. The soft reset, therefore, takes place in the middle of the year.

Riot also announced that in 13 Split 2, an additional rank called Emerald will be added to the game. It will be between the Platinum and Diamond rank tiers. This adjustment balances out the rank distribution that has historically favored lower tiers.

Emerald: A new rank coming to LoL (Image via Riot Games)

The following are the significant changes coming with Season 13, Split 2:

  • New rank: Emerald. It will be located between Diamond and Platinum.
  • Placement games will be reduced from ten to five.
  • The promotion series will be removed.

The primary reason for reducing the placement games from ten to five is to speed up the procedure. Hence, players' time will be saved, especially for those who have already finished ten placement games in the first split of season 13.

According to the Studio Head of League Studio at Riot Games, Andrei “Meddler” van Roon, most ranked players are Silver or lower, with a small percentage reaching Gold 4. He asserted:

"In order to mitigate this, we’re adding a new rank: Emerald, which you may recognize from League of Legends: Wild Rift. Emerald rank will live between Diamond and Platinum and represent a roughly similar percentage of players as Platinum does today."

By adding a new rank, Riot Games intends to make LoL more comparable to other competitive titles by dividing players evenly among various ranks.

The new rank changes and various gameplay changes will take effect on LoL patch 13.4 on July 17, 2023, after Riot's usual mid-season break.

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