Was Kesha Really Born With A Tail?

Kesha is known for being impressively open about, well, just about everything, and in a 2013 chat with a Heat magazine, she revealed, "I had a tail when I was born" (via E! News). The pop star elaborated, "It was a tiny tail, about a quarter of an inch, then they chopped it off and stole my tail. That was when I was little. I'm really sad about that story." 

Kesha typically goes above and beyond to catch people's attention, even drinking her own urine as part of the MTV docuseries, "My Crazy, Beautiful Life." Recalling the infamous incident, she reasoned, "Mine isn't that bad, but I'm a very hydrated person. It tasted kind of like candy."

NME points out humans being born with a tail isn't unheard of, with embryos typically boasting one around a sixth the size of the organism itself. It generally gets absorbed as the fetus develops but, in rare cases, as with Kesha, children are born with the remnants of their tails. The "Die Young" hit-maker may frequently shock with her outbursts, but they make her a terrific interviewee. 
