What kind of cancer did Boosie have? Rapper shares update years after health diagnosis

Boosie Badazz has been struggling with cancer for a very long time now. While his fans are concerned about him, the rapper shared an update about his health through his Instagram account, which is private. He mentioned in the post that he is cancer free and added that God tests everyone's faith all the time. He continued:

"I was ready to see my cancer doctor/surgeon today but I was told he passed last year. Thank u Dr. Wood for always making me laugh when I was down u were the best."

Badazz stated that his surgeon once asked him why he was crying before the surgery, and he replied by saying that he was recalling all the wrong deeds that he committed in his life. Badazz wrote that the surgeon told him that God forgives everyone and that he had done more surgeries than the concerts where Badazz has performed until now.

Boosie Badazz was diagnosed with cancer in 2015

Boosie Badazz had to undergo surgery for his cancer (Image via Paras Griffin/Getty Images)

Boosie Badazz's diagnosis of kidney cancer was revealed in November 2015. He revealed the news in an Instagram post and requested everyone to pray for him. He added:

"Doctor just told me I have cancer on my kidneys. Prayer is power that's why I'm letting the world know prayfaboosie."

He had to undergo surgery the following month, and half of one of his kidneys was removed with a process called nephrectomy. The surgery cost around $90,000, and he was supposed to remain in cancer rehab for the next three weeks.

In an interview with XXL in 2016, Boosie spoke about the entire experience and how it began. He revealed that he woke up with some health issues, including stomach pain, and went on to visit a doctor who revealed after an MRI that he had cancer.

Badazz said that he was very confident on the day he went for the surgery and the reason was his surgeon. He said that he went to sleep, and when he woke up four hours later, he realized that everything was normal. Stating about the changes that he experienced after being released from rehab, Badazz said:

"I had lost 42 pounds, so right now I'm just working to get all the way back health. Right now, I'm healthier than I ever been. I'm back doing shows. I have more wind now than I had doing shows before I had cancer. So I'm in a good point in my life. I'm cancer-free."

Boosie Badazz is known for his hit albums and singles

Badazz has released 13 albums in his successful musical career. It started with his first album Youngest of da Camp in August 2000 and continued with Incarcerated, BooPac, Badazz 3.5, and more.

He has also released seven collaboration albums and several mixtapes. He released an EP titled Three Peat in September 2015. The artist is famous for his singles like Show 'Em, On That Level. Retaliation, Period, Turn the Beat Up, and others.

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